Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Breakfast Conversation

The girls and I were eating our Raisin Bran this morning and Bug says "mama, I am really good at rhyming. I can do lots of rhymes."
"Oh, really. Tell me some."
"raisin, taisin...
candle, landle....
guh, buh....
nutcracker...... butt crayon."

(followed by much hysteria and laughter)


Jill of All Trades said...

Out of the mouths of babes! Those laugh lines around my eyes and mouth are from laughing at the things my kiddos said.

Not-So-Wicked Stepmom said...

Too, too funny!!! I love it! You never know what they are going to say, but you can always bet it will be funny!

Stolen by Mullen said...

too funny! Ahh kids!

lindsay said...

butt is my favorite color of crayon...