Friday, November 28, 2008

Papa's Birthday Party

Bug threw a birthday party for Papa last week. She made her own party hats and wrapped up Papa's sweaty work hat and stinky shoes for presents. The best part was the cupcakes: slippers filled with underwear. Yummy!


Ella Drew said...

mmmm..those cupcakes looked delicious. Bug definitely has one unique imagination..and wasn't papa's birthday in October? But really who cares after 25 :)
P.S. I am super impressed with your thanksgiving feast. I have yet to do a dinner on my own but I think I might brave it next year.

Nate Barton said...

My dear friends... it has been so long, and yet you two look very much the same.
Beautiful children.
I hope that you are well and that we might be able to rekindle what for me has been a very sadly lost connection.

lindsay said...

hey spamfords!! im following your blog now so i can stalk ya'll on a daily basis!!
mwwwuuuaaahhh aahh aahh!!!
happy bday papa.
thanksgiving looks yumm!