Thursday, January 15, 2009

a few Christmas pictures... just a little late.

Fairy girl

Princess girl

Bug made Papa "toilet paper bean bags" for Christmas. She wrapped them up and wrote a note and everything. It was a very special gift.

The Christmas train. Doesn't this picture look like it belongs in a magazine about happy family life?

I LOVE this picture. This was right when everyone woke up. We forced them all to sit at the top of the stairs and swarmed them with cameras and flashes and lots of commands to "SMILE!" I think their faces are hilarious. T is cooperating, but you can tell that smile is a fake. Bug looks miserable and in pain. Muffin is totally out of it, in La la land. G is saying "get me the heck out of here, you people are crazy." Ha, i love it.

1 comment:

Stolen by Mullen said...

cute cute! They are getting SO big!