Friday, December 19, 2008

the Nutcracker

Bug and I just had a magical day at the Nutcracker Ballet. We went to the performance that functions as a dress rehearsal for the cast, and they invite all the schools and homeschoolers to attend for discounted prices. Well, there was a HUGE snowstorm last night. All of the schools were closed, so the only people to show up at the performance were a group of around 100 other random people/homeschool groups. They let us sit anywhere we wanted in the enormous Overture Center. Bug and I went right to the front row. We could see the whole orchestra pit (which was so fascinating) and were close enough to really see all the glitz and glamour of the ballerinas. Bug was entranced. During the scene of the battle between the toy soldiers and mice, a sword flew off the stage and whacked a french horn player in the head. That's something you only see when you are in the front row!
It was such a treat. I kept thinking how expensive those seats would be on any other day/time. Pretty good deal we got for $8/ticket!
We followed that up with Lentil Soup over rice at the Mediterranean Cafe with some friends. It was such a great day!

Logic from a 2 year old

Yesterday, Muffin and I were reading a book entitled "Talk and Work it Out." (She loves this book) It's all about working out your problems with your friends, siblings, etc. It discusses talking, listening to each other, asking adults for help, and being civil young people in general. She was studying a page with the image of two children fighting over a ball on the playground, so I asked her "What could they do to work out their problem?" She got a concentrated look on her face, and thought for several seconds, and then very seriously said "Bite them."
A lot of good that book has done!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Breakfast Conversation

The girls and I were eating our Raisin Bran this morning and Bug says "mama, I am really good at rhyming. I can do lots of rhymes."
"Oh, really. Tell me some."
"raisin, taisin...
candle, landle....
guh, buh....
nutcracker...... butt crayon."

(followed by much hysteria and laughter)