Sunday, January 25, 2009

December Fun

My parents and us out on Lake Monona after a fun time sledding with the girls. It's so neat to walk on a frozen lake! We made snow angels and wrote our names by them also.
Downtown Madison (the capitol building is in the background) is on an isthmus. The lakes are exciting places here, even in winter. They are full of people ice fishing, cross country skiing, wind sailing, flying kites, and snowshoeing. There is a big festival called Kites on Ice on the lake when the winter is cold enough. There are usually several ice skating rinks plowed out. Interesting artwork usually pops up on the lake during the winter months. This winter there is a grouping of dinosaur skeletons emerging from the lake. In past years, I have also seen the statue of liberty, dancing penguins, and a huge blue whale.

This is Bug and Grandad... right before they wiped out hard.
Granny at the beauty shop.
Papa working on his new hobby: bow making. These are logs (black walnut I believe) he harvested. He split them and they will cure for 6 months and then the carving begins!
Uncle E-Block. We always get him a gag gift. It is tradition (one of my favorite of the holidays, it always brings massive amounts of laughter.) This year was good: rap grillz, bling, and the shades, of course. Muffin is sucking her thumb there, probably very confused, and a little worried.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

a few Christmas pictures... just a little late.

Fairy girl

Princess girl

Bug made Papa "toilet paper bean bags" for Christmas. She wrapped them up and wrote a note and everything. It was a very special gift.

The Christmas train. Doesn't this picture look like it belongs in a magazine about happy family life?

I LOVE this picture. This was right when everyone woke up. We forced them all to sit at the top of the stairs and swarmed them with cameras and flashes and lots of commands to "SMILE!" I think their faces are hilarious. T is cooperating, but you can tell that smile is a fake. Bug looks miserable and in pain. Muffin is totally out of it, in La la land. G is saying "get me the heck out of here, you people are crazy." Ha, i love it.

My little Bats

These pictures are the girls in their bat costumes. Pretty fierce. Although I always inform them that bats are gentle and harmless creatures despite their reputation and portrayal in various media.
We lived with the bats once. I will never forget the feeling of waking up in my bedroom (on many occasions) in the middle of the night to bats flying over my head. Or, reaching to get a bowl off the shelf and finding a bat inside. Or, reaching in the washer to peel off the sock that got stuck on the side only to realize it is a bat.
I really do like bats. I would prefer that they live somewhere other than inside my house. However, if they are the little girl variety, I can let it slide.

Pretty Pretty Princess Papa

this is Papa's FAVORITE new game: Pretty Pretty Princess. He especially enjoys the clip on earrings. The girls and I picked up the game at the thrift store for $1 and it has provided us with many many laughs. Quite a deal for a buck!