Monday, February 9, 2009

Dress Up Tea Party

Here's the birthday girl! I can't help but go all out for birthdays. My mom always made our birthday so special, and love doing that for my girls too. This year, for birthday number 3, we had a dress up tea party. The girls and I went to the local thrift store and for 15 dollars got 8 tea cups and saucers, 8 china plates, and a load of fake flowers for decorating. (Plus, a really groovy vintage dress for Mama to wear for the party)
The table looked so cute and all the kids were adorable. We had raspberry and blueberry tea with milk and sugar cubes (which were almost all gone at the end of the day... whoops! sorry parents!) I also made mini tea sandwiches, mini muffins, fruit, cheese cut out in cute shapes, raspberry brie tarts, and mini quiche.
Bug handled her little sister's special day like a champ. No fits of jealously. Even when Muffin got the mermaid doll that Bug has been asking for for weeks and weeks. She has been so desperate for this doll, she wrote a note to the flower fairies and hid it under a table. She is convinced they will bring one for her now. Its all i can do to not just go out and buy it for her.
the lovely Sanford ladies. never thought I could get so into this girly stuff. :)

My grandma used to make my cake every birthday, and since my girls don't have their grandma's nearby, I always make their cake too. I let them choose what kind of cake they want. It is always an unusual challenge every birthday. Bug has had ladybug cupcakes, a caterpillar cake, flower pots full of "dirt" and "bugs", and a mama spider cake with a bunch of baby spider cupcakes. This year will be the first non-insect cake... she is already requesting a mermaid cake. Muffin had a teddy bear cake, and last year was a Pig cake. I will never forget that one. It was red velvet cake, so when you cut into it, it was bright red. The whole time she was eating it she kept laughing and saying "Eat Pig! ha ha ha!" Well, this year she insisted on a princess cake. It was an interesting challenge... last minute I sent Papa to the store for a box of cake mix because it wasn't tall enough. She turned out pretty good though!

It was a really fun day.