Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let us introduce ourselves...

This is Mama and Papa. Ok, so we don't usually look this nice. This is on our 5th anniversary (yes, I know that was 1 1/2 years ago, I can't find a more recent picture of the two of us, and that is very sad) In the picture we are inside the very tippy top of the capitol building in Madison, WI.

These lovely little insects are our daughters. The 4 year old we will call "bug." I don't know why, i just feel nervous about using our real names on this blog. Maybe i am paranoid. We have always called her bug, since she was tiny. She also loves anything creepy and crawly. They received these costumes from Granny, and have been wearing them nonstop, to nap time, to the grocery store, to the park, etc. When Bug was little she called ladybugs "lake a bugs." It was so cute. The 2 year old we will call muffin. Thats a name that stuck from her first day also. And it fits, because she is truly as sweet and cuddly as a muffin. Although, if you asked her, she would insist that her name is actually "Princess Muffin."

I have always wanted to start a blog, for the main purpose of keeping our families up to date with all the adventures of the Sanford family. My vision is that I will periodically add new pictures, snippets of our daily lives, funny things the girls say to me, or occassionally a ranting journal entry from Mama on the days she feels like throwing in the towel.

I hope you enjoy.


Ella Drew said...

Yippy... bug and muffin look so cute in their costumes..and I can't believe you and hubbo have been married for 6 years. I love you and thanks again for helping me give birth!

Stolen by Mullen said...

Hey - it is Kendall! Steve gave me this link - I love the costumes! They have grown so much since we have seen them last - too cute!

Phasic said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm excited to see many pictures of my little bug friends.