Saturday, October 10, 2009

obligatory first day of school pictures

Wow. I have a Kindergartener! Hannah is loving it, and we love her school (Emerson Elementary) and her teacher. We have officially entered the world of school: lunch boxes, PTO meetings, bake sales, early bedtimes. Hannah already has her first crush (what!?!?) My jaw dropped the floor when she told me that "I think I kind of love Aiden!" We in for trouble, I think.
Gretchen started 1/2 day preschool, 3 days a week, at Lakeview Cooperative Preschool. She feels pretty cool having her own school. Her teachers are always telling me she had a happy day, which is probably why she melts down as soon as we get home. release.......

Fall has been so beautiful this year. a little rainy. As i look out the window right this moment, I actually see tiny snowflakes! unbelievable. I had to scrape the windshield for the first time this morning.


Stolen by Mullen said...

love the pictures!!! Can't believe how big they are getting!!

Candace said...

So beautiful! How did this happen?