Friday, November 6, 2009

Conversation with Hannah

Today on the way to school Hannah said "Mama, when I am big like 15, or 14, I am just going to go out into the big world on my own. Don't worry, I will be able to find my home again."
This is what I am facing in the teen years I am afraid. She is going to want nothing to do with me! It's always been a challenge to find reasonable boundaries for her, she is such an independant spirit. She detests boundaries. I suppose this is a good trait to have, but it sure is a challenge to parent. :)

This statement followed a long discussion of how much she loves the earth, and nature, and animals. She told me she buried the dead bird (that we found in our yard last spring) because she loves animals SOOO much and wants them to go to heaven. She told me she likes to go into the woods all by herself because she is not even afraid.

I wish I had a tape recorder last night. She left the dinner table and said something like "I have to go clean my room right away." WOAH!! She has suddenly decided that she wants a clean room, but more importantly, and totally mermaid room. She keeps giving Gretchen things that are not "mermaid" for her room. She hung shreds of green and blue paper on her door as seaweed and put a sign on the door that says "Entrance to the Mermaid Room."

My camera is out of batteries, but as soon as I get it charged up I will post some pictures of the costumes from trick or treating. Happy day!

1 comment:

lindsay said...

your girls are growing up so fast! one of these days i have to meet them. i really enjoy your updates, and this one made me all weepy!
hope the weather up there this weekend is as beautiful as it is down here in chi-town!!
miss you!!